Nothing but Dreams

Nothing but Dreams

This book of short stories, which includes three stories for children, introduces its readers to a colorful universe of nocturnal dream scenarios. The author, a passionate dreamer and cineaste, has always reflected on the deeper meaning of her own dreams. Strictly speaking, she lives two lives at once, since her dreams sometimes seem as real to her as actual occurences. In her sotries, neither romance, a pinch of sarcasm, not criticism of the current times - hinted at between the lines - comes up short. Nothing but Dreams is Andreja Ligna's first book.

Author: Andreja Ligna
Publisher: edition ars porcellana
Sketches and watercolors: Melanie Foster
Number of pages: 272
Languages: German, English
ISBN: 978-3-938532-18-8
Year: 2022

Currently available: 4

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© Melanie Foster 2020